Be Mindful of Depression During the Holiday Season - Encore2wo

Be Mindful of Depression During the Holiday Season

For many, this time of year is full of joy, happiness, and family. But for others, it is the exact opposite: a time of hopelessness, sadness, and loneliness! Depression is growing and is especially prominent during Thanksgiving and Christmas. All of us need to mindful of our family and friends who suffer from mental illness. We must do all we can to reach out, include, listen, support and intervene. Give love and support as much as you can.

If necessary, please keep these resources in mind:

National Suicide Prevention Hotline

Crisis Text Line
Text CONNECT to 741741

At any sign or mention of suicide, DO NOT hesitate to use these resources or to call the authorities. They are trained to handle these types of situations. Those who are contemplating suicide need our help because they are not in a position to help themselves.

We pray that God will give us the wisdom to provide what is needed in these situations. This is the season of giving so let us reach out to those who are in need and be proactive in our ways to help and intervene when necessary!

A portion of every purchase made at will be donated to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

May God Bless you and please feel free to reach out to us here at encore2wo@gmail if you would like to talk to us about this or any other topic!

May you have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed and Happy New Year!


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